For more information, contact us through:
Or type your name, e-mail address, and message into the following form. In case you wondered, no salesman will call, and your contact information will not be given to anyone else under any circumstances. But it would help us plan future products and maybe even answer your question better if you'd help with a handful of survey questions, too.
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For all other questions, concerns, suggestions, etc., please use the form below.
Note for Real People Who Want to Sign Up Sadly, every week dozens of spammers and jokesters fill out this form thinking that somehow their unwelcome advertisements or content will show up on my site (they don't). Some of those fake requests from spammers even come with real people's e-mails attached - they've harvested someone else's address book so their requests would look legit. So I'm now asking people who want to subscribe to our newsletters to supply their real full name and some information about themselves and their hobby so we know it's it's not just a random spam attempt. Please check off boxes that apply to you (I can tell if a real hobbyist does this), and add a comment about your interests in trains or related hobbies. Considering how much personal information I've shared over the years on these web pages, I don't think that's asking too much. Again, NONE of your personal information will every be revealed, sold, traded, or used in any way except for me to have a better idea of who my readers are.
I used to try to get back to folks who signed up with incomplete or apparently incorrect information, in case they had just hit the send button too soon or something. But 99 times out of 100, it wasn't a real person at all. Unfortunately, that kind of followup on our part meant that we spend hours following up on would-be hackers that we could have spent helping out real people with real questions.
So, if you attempt to sign up with incomplete or apparently false information, we will be forced to delete your request without even getting back to you.
I heartily apologize for any inconvenience, but the fake sign-up requests have gotten out of control at our end, and we want to devote our attention to real people with real questions.
Thanks, and happy railroading,
Paul Race
*Note: Unfortunately, in addition to the many reader questions we answer every month, we get a certain number of questions and signups from people whose systems are set to block our e-mails automatically. If you use a system that rejects e-mails from all unknown senders, please let us know in the comment area how you've made provision for our e-mails to get to you without us having to jump through hoops. Thanks - Paul &c |
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Copyright (c) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 by Paul D. Race.
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