I guess there are no diesel locomotives available in On30? I can only find steam engines. We have a Christmas train and a collectors moonlight wolves train. Thanks.
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Bachmann made an On30 model of a gasoline-powered switch engine, the kind you still see in quarries today. But I have yet to see Diesels. One reason is that very, very few narrow gauge diesels were ever made for the US - by the time Diesels had started to emerge as the motive power of choice, most of the 3'-gauge and 3.5' gauge railroads had either regauged to 4'8 12" (standard gauge) or gone out of business. The last narrow gauge railroads in Ohio went away by 1941. Out west, the Rio Grande and a couple other RRs kept narrow gauge trackage into the 1960s, but they didn't tend to order diesels for it - they just ran steam until they needed regauge or shut down various routes.
Sorry, that's one of the questions about On30 in which the answers actually make sense.

Best of luck - Paul