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Note: If your primary interest is in cardboard Christmas "putz" houses, consider joining
I've been working on assembling a set for a young couple and their two girls; a good friend had sent me this modern-era Lionel Columbia-type 2-4-2 after thinning his collection a bit. I figure it would make a fine locomotive for the set:
Can motor, so it runs super smooth and quiet, with smoke, whistle, and a blazing headlight. I think they'll think it's pretty neat.
Got a couple scale inches of snow on the basement layout tonight, just enough to throw a panic into the passengers looking to board the last express out of Lionelville:
No worries, though; they should be home a little before Midnight this Christmas Eve. Might even get a glimpse of Red One passing through.
As Tom McComas would say, "Merry Christmas everyone...Merry Christmas!"
While we're pulling stuff down off the shelf, dug the kid's MTH Super Chief set (30-4021-0) out of the closet of his old room and gave that a spin:
After two decades of inactivity, the set ran like a champ. It came with baggage, vista-dome, and observation cars, but sometime along the way we added a coach and a full-dome car; the little F3 pulls all of it easily. It's easy to understand how this Santa Fe train was such a favorite amongst toy train enthusiasts, and this MTH set is a neat little version.