Fall 2021 TCA Eastern Division Meet at York, PA

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Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2014 7:05 am

Fall 2021 TCA Eastern Division Meet at York, PA

Post by winced36 »

The TCA meet at York finally readjourns this week after missing three rotations due to the virus situation. I'm hoping to go up for a few hours on Friday, but I'm on call for jury duty this week, so I might miss it if I have to go to the courthouse. Fingers crossed...

Anybody here going?
Posts: 631
Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2014 7:05 am

Re: Fall 2021 TCA Eastern Division Meet at York, PA

Post by winced36 »

For understandable reasons, attendance by both members and vendors seemed down quite a bit. Still, I've never had a bad time at York; I picked up some parts and these two tinplate pieces, a Lionel 656 stock car and a Dorfan coach:


The stock car just needs a bath and a bit of a polish. The Dorfan coach, yeah, no idea yet what to do with that (this is the good side).

Saw some mates at the meet, but many were no-shows. A number of my go-to vendors/dealers were absent as well. I hope this all gets back to some sort of normalcy by April.
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