Trains for sale in Germany?

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Trains for sale in Germany?

Post by paulrace »

A Reader writes:
Hello, do you sell trains wholesale to Germany? Best regards!

----Our Reply ------------------

Thank you for contacting us.

I am sorry, but we actually do not sell anything directly. We link to advertisers who we can trust to sell to our readers. I notice you listed Disney products. Most of the Disney products we link to on our sites, come from the Bradford Exchange. Their German headquarters is here:

They also have several other sites in the Euro zone, so you might be able to find something in, say, the Swiss or Italian sites.

I wish I could be more helpful, but most of the companies I work with ran into trouble selling internationally and stopped doing so. Germany was NOT one of the countries that caused problems, in case you wondered.

If you are looking for something specific, let me know and I'll see if I come across it in any European sources.

Have a wonderful holiday season - Paul
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