It's been an interesting year for collecting paper for me. I finally built up some of the Halloween structures I had gotten on-line, completed one of the Built-Rite series from the 1930s, and finally latched on to an 1898 McLoughlin Bros. 'Pretty Village'. I'd love to actually 'do' something with all of these, like put together a diorama or display but finding the energy anymore is a toughie.
Anyone else out there a collector or is scratchbuilding more your forte'?
Collecting Paper
Re: Collecting Paper
Ed, I only "collect" by accident, when I come across something that inspires a project. I have a cool candy-box house in my files right now (unassembled) that I want to scan for future users, but once it's in my digital files, I won't have a place to set it up. 

Re: Collecting Paper
paul...i know "someone" who would like the scan of the candy-box house via a PDF...wonder who would that be?...
my very best regards...howard...

my very best regards...howard...
Re: Collecting Paper
Howard, I can guess. I should have scanned it long ago, but other things keep happening.