Replacement locomotive for Bachmann Continental Express
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Author:  paulrace [ Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Replacement locomotive for Bachmann Continental Express

A reader writes:
I have a Bachmann train set that I use with my Dept 56 Dickens Village. The Continental Express.The locomotive picked up some buffalo snow, it fouled the wheels and bent the drive rods. It's broke. Do you know of an inexpensive replacement? I have seen some on sale for $100.00. Anything less than that available?

Thanks for your assistance
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ANY HO or On30 locomotive should pull your train just fine. Check Craig's List for someone near you selling their dad's HO train set or whatever.

That Bachmann loco is actually warranteed by Bachmann, which means they will fix it or replace it for a flat fee But of course, you won't have the loco back by Christmas at this point.

Here's their page about it:

Best of luck - Paul

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