Go to the e-mail you received and cut-and-paste BOTH your ID and your password, making sure you don't leave spaces before or after.
Checking the little box that says "Log me on automatically each visit" will keep you from having to type every thing in every time, but it times out if you don't check in every few days, and you'll have to log in again.
To change your password to something easier, go to the User Control Panel (upper right corner), Go to Profile, go to Edit Account settings. Do NOT enter your e-mail unless you're changing it.
Be sure to enter your CURRENT password where it says to. For your new password, it can be whatever you want, but please don't make it 1234. (The combination an idiot would put on his luggage.)
If you want your user name to be something else, use the contact page:
http://bigindoortrains.com/big_indoor_t ... ontact.htmto e-mail me and tell me what it is now and what you want it to be. Note, ifyou've already signed up, you don't need to fill out the whole form, just include your user name in the comments section and what you want to change it to.
Best of luck,