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Model Railroad the Town of Ens...
The Town of Ens was created way back in 1981 from an "N" scale train layout I built. The buildings are made from kits and some are scratch built such as the one and only junk yard I created. There are also billboards and other signs around town made from old Christmas cards. These pictures are the first ones taken of the town of Ens since it was built. Some of these shots were right after a snow storm hit town Christmas Eve and also in February 2011.
Just a little side note, the train set is boxed up every year and re-assembled, this is the first time out in over 10 years. My beautifull wife Patti convinced me to bring it out for Christmas and "Let it Snow". Here it is.
I hope you enjoy your visit to the Town of Ens.
Town of Ens
Population 6
Mayor Ima Littlespek