I have a question regarding the Hawthorne Village (Bradford Exchange) Coca-cola Through the Years Express train. Your listing and description says that this is an HO scale train, but in the on-line Hawthorne description, it says it is an On30 scale train. I have emailed Bradford Exchange about this and they say it's an On30 scale. What say you? I am planning to order this set, but NOT if it's HO scale. Thanks.
-------Our Response--------------
Sorry, it's HO. The Bradford Exchange customer support people are good and answering questions about orders, and reading from their own materials but they don't know trains.

ALL the Hawthorne Village Diesel trains are HO. The only On30 trains they sold are the steam trains with the 2-6-0 locomotives like the one near the top of this page: http://www.bigchristmastrains.com/hawth ... _train.htm
Nowadays they have other steam trains (that were cheaper for them to order from China) that are HO. I am disappointed because the true On30 trains were actually made by Bachmann and you can get service for them. The HO diesel trains like the Coca Cola through the years were also made by Bachmann, even though they're HO. Some of the new Diesels are questionable, though. . . .
Hope you're not TOO disappointed. Have a great holiday season. Please let me know if you have any more questions. - Paul