How Many Cars in a Sports Train?

For about twelve years, Hawthorne Village made On30 commemorative trains based on Bachmann On30 platforms.
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How Many Cars in a Sports Train?

Post by paulrace »

A reader writes:

Do you know how many cars were available for the Chicago White Sox train when initially offered from the Bradford Exchange? (It is no longer available)

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I got seriously slammed with e-mails this season, so I'm just now getting back to you. EVERY set has a locomotive, a "B" unit (unpowered) and two cars minimum. How many they had beyond that depended on how many subscribers they had. Once folks stopped subscribing in numbers that made it profitable to keep ordering new cars, they closed out the series.

Some sets have as many as 15. Others have six or seven. Unfortunately, I don't have any way of knowing which is which. Best of luck - Paul
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