On30 Trains (including Hawthorne Village) Christmas forecast

For about twelve years, Hawthorne Village made On30 commemorative trains based on Bachmann On30 platforms.
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On30 Trains (including Hawthorne Village) Christmas forecast

Post by paulrace »

Every year, starting in early November, I get deluged with messages asking where folks can buy trains that were available in September. I've even had folks track down my phone number and call me in anger because something I recommended in July is no longer available anywhere to speak of by December 15. I hate seeing folks disappointed, and I hate having to tell them all the same thing (they should have ordered earlier). And I really hate angry phone calls. So this posting is "pre-emptive," so to speak.

Here's a quick recap of where "On30" markets stand as of September, 2014:

On30 TRAINS IN CHRISTMAS COLORS - Hawthorne Trains used to order specially painted On30 train sets from Bachmann to sell in "collections." They featured art from folks like Thomas Kinkade and Al Agnew, as well as cultural icons like Coca Cola and "Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer." Several of these classic collections are still available new, although I don't think any new sets have been ordered since 2009. So once they sell out, they are gone forever.

These come one piece at a time, except in some cases you can order a "super saver set" in which the first three "issues" come in the first shipment, and after that, the subsequent pieces come one at a time. To see which collections are still available, click the following link:
http://bigchristmastrains.com/hawthorne ... trains.htm

ON30 TRAINS IN RAILROAD NAMES - These are almost non-existant this year. If you haven't got into On30, this may not be the year to start. On the other hand, if you have an On30 railroad, several individual locomotives, cars, and self-propelled units are available.

Click the link below and scroll down to see the links for those products.
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