Shorty's Diner Redux

Metal structures, especially from the golden age of toy trains. Lithographed, stamped, etc.
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Shorty's Diner Redux

Post by paulrace »

A reader writes:

Just used your 'Tribute to Tinplate' diner graphics to produce my version of a tinplate diner. Would like to send you a picture of my creation if you are interested. Thank you for the inspiration!

---------Of course we were interested. Here are his photos.---------------------
paul_devries_diner2_800.jpg (70.81 KiB) Viewed 22437 times
paul_devries_diner1_800.jpg (83.44 KiB) Viewed 22437 times
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Re: Shorty's Diner Redux

Post by paulrace »

The original project used a glasses case for the roof. Howard has added a version that uses a Nestles' Quik box. The version above used the glasses case and a tin that the modeler cut to height. Here are his words:


I used your artwork by gluing it around a suitably sized tin although I had to trim down the height with some tin snips. As you can see I did use an old glasses case as the clerestory roof section. I had some flashing LEDs that were removed from a cheap Christmas decoration and used these on the perimeter of the diner roof. I mounted the whole thing on an MDF base that I found at a craft store and decorated it with black and white glass tiles and green felt balls, also from the craft store. Hope you like my version of your diner. Thanks for an inspirational web site.


The original article, including the graphics shown above, as well as graphics for Halloween and Christmas projects are shown here: ... _diner.htm

By the way, Howard and I LOVE seeing projects that you've done (or even attempted) with our plans and graphics. Please continue to share.
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Re: Shorty's Diner Redux

Post by Howard »

one word..."OUTSTANDING"'ve taken the diner to an entirely new level!...lights, signage and a landscape base...i'm very impressed...

my very best regards...howard...
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Re: Shorty's Diner Redux

Post by javinda »

OUTSTANDING! Really quite marvelous!. Can't wait to share it with my "list"
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